Author Topic: "Closed"  (Read 13718 times)


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« on: June 01, 2011, 17:20:00 pm »
Welcome to the "Official "[DMA]" member's List ! 2011 All Righst Reserved.Altd ©
About Clan !

***Founder and head of the clan***

**[DMA]Goor_man - Country (Ukraine)**





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***Member's of the clan !***

[DMA]Gray - Country (Ukraine)

Rules of the clan ! For more information go to the ""


1. Respect admins

Do not pretend to be an admin, do NOT insult admins and Listen to what they say. Anyone who dosen't respect an admin is immediatly banned.
2. No advertising

Absolutely no advertising on the server, that includes web sites and other servers.
3. No cheating!

This one is obvious.. Anyone (yes even regulars) caught with a cheat are immediatly banned. There is no point in cheating in UltiMatE DM CarNaGe SerVeR, unless you relly can't shot, in which case you shouldn't be playing. Cheaters are the lowest of the low, and are not welcome on the server. This includes any bug exploits.
4. Respect Other players

Another simple one... Evryone just wants to have fun, so try to respect eachother. That means no racism and no constant arguing with other players.

5. No drive bying!

This is an dm server yes... But DO NOT DRIVE BY! Drive by is for nubs that can't dm properly. Drive by and you are kicked/banned. Drive by as a passanger is allowed but only if you shot on cars! Do not shot at players on foot!
6. No pausing!

Pausing the game is like godmode! We will ban players that pause the game when they are in a fight!
7. No car parking

This one is hard to explain. It's not allowed to run over other players! Use your fucking gun insted. We will warn you the first time then we ban.

About Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas - Multiplayer

San Andreas Multiplayer (abbreviation: SA-MP) - free multiplayer modification for the video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in versions for Windows, a closed-source. Developed by a team of The SA-MP team on a voluntary basis, the lead programmer of the project are two men with nicknames and Kye spookie.

Vice City Multiplayer:

The basis of the modification used a similar modification to the previous games in the series, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - Vice City Multiplayer, released in April 2005. The team consisted of the founders of several people known in the community of modifiers Grand Theft Auto, led her kyeman (now known as Kye) - significant personality in the community modostroiteley GTA. Providing screen shots and videos featuring the status of the development (which was carried out quickly enough), the modification has received wide recognition in the GTA-community and a small forum attracted about 120 users before moving to a new hosting.
After a series of public beta testing, received enormous popularity, (so great that many had to wait to get a free place on the beta servers), Vice City Multiplayer was released by the court been waiting for the public and then updated up to version 0.1d, to end having already open source. This code was used by another team of developers [1] to continue the development of VC-MP (this project is evolving and today and has already grown up version 0.3zr2), and the team kyeman'a initiated the development of SA-MP. It is worth noting that the current developers of VC-MP make a multiplayer for the original game GTA: Vice City, and for the modification, carrying the city of Liberty City in the game engine.

San Andreas Multiplayer:


Development of SA-MP has attracted great interest among fans of game series GTA. In April 2006, the section on the forum was clearly insufficient, and the developers have decided to open their own forum. In late March, the development has been a full-fledged multiplayer, and after some closed beta tests in April-May, there have been three public beta test. A few hours after the third beta, 9 May 2006 kyeman stated that the draft is ready for release. However, the release was discovered quite a few bugs, and several days later was released update version 0.1b. After that, users continue to learn a programming language PAWN and create a variety of game modes, and the developers themselves have disappeared for a while.
Only in late June in a message on his blog, they stated that the development is still going, although they have very little time. Developers showed a few screenshots with the ability to add items on the map. There were rumors that soon will be released version 0.1c, but by September the new information from the developers did not arrive. Only in late September, a slight update on the blog reported that the development goes, and was introduced to a small list of new features. [Refine]
2 October it was reported that preparing a new version 0.2. Information was backed by a long list of innovations [clarify] and video clips featuring many new features. [Clarify] The information sparked interest among fans of SA-MP, which by that time there were already several thousand worldwide. However, after this new information was a few months. Development is very much delayed, and after a few small updates, 9 March 2007, developers have presented in my blog preview version 0.2 with a large list of changes and two video clips taken on the closed beta test. It was also announced that soon will be a series of public

Prior to the first public beta test was a whole month. By the time the hype about the new version has reached an incredibly huge levels, and the developers decided not to announce the beta test on his blog and on the eve of Easter Sunday, April 8, posted on the page "Easter eggs" - a reference to a page that after a few redirects prompting the user to the IRC-channel beta. The beta test began that same evening. Originally opened one server for 100 slots, but it was soon running a few servers. The beta test lasted until April 11.
The next beta test was only a month later and lasted only a few hours. The purpose of the test was to test the server's ability to withstand up to 200 players. After that, the blog kyeman announced that there would be at least another 2 beta test. In late May, was another beta test, and then on the blog were announced several innovations. [Refine]
June 3 developers have released RC version of the client and server 0.2 to 4 slots, thereby allowing users to begin to develop and update the profiles to the new version. Over the next 2 weeks was released 2 more RC-release, and after the 4-th beta test, smoothly passed into the 5 th, June 20, SA-MP 0.2 was officially released. But development has not ended, and after a few days later was released version 0.2.1 with some updates and fixes.
June 24 unexpectedly to the user SA-MP team announced on its website that stops above the mod and some of its support because they have no more strength and capacity to deal with people who are not afraid of anything, develop cheats and exploits SA-MP. Instantly on the Internet organized a petition demanding the developers to return to work on the mod. Within a few hours to a petition signed several thousand people. This had an effect, and less than a day job all SA-MP server has been restarted. The next day it was released updates for the server closes the exploit, crushing the server and containing a built-in cheat SAC (SA-MP Anti-Cheat), not allowing players to enter the game with cheat trainers or plug-ins for SA-MP.
A month later, on August 29, after two public beta test was released version 0.2.2 and it was announced to start work on version 0.3. The very next day, August 30, was released a client version of the SA-MP 0.2.2 R2, fixes several bugs [clarify], found in version 0.2.2 immediately after the release.
May 13, 2008, all of a sudden, a team of SA-MP closed the site and announced the end of the development of SA-MP. A few days later the site was restored, and it appeared the news about the end of the development of SA-MP. Night of 23 May was restored forum.
June 21 to address security issues was released version 0.2.2 R3. Also in the update fixed some bugs and increased the limit of machine models. Updating concerned only client.
November 20 was released SA-MP 0.2X. In general, the updates were not as significant for the average player, except for improved synchronization and problems with customer's departure. Tab in the «Internet» Server version 0.2.2 is no longer there. Most servers moved to version SA-MP 0.2X. It was also announced the development version of SA-MP 0.3. Previously promised version SA-MP 0.2.5 will not be released.
August 14, 2009 began public beta testing SA-MP 0.3. August 15 held its second beta test which was attended by more than 400 players. October 19 was released the final version 0.3a. It was subsequently released several minor updates to the lineup this version.
On August 11, 2010 began testing versions 0.3b through the already familiar predreliznogo RC-versions. Release of version 0.3b was held August 21, 2010.
November 28, 2010 to the network got the client and server (Windows and Linux) RC2-version 0.3c.

Opportunities SA-MP:

Scripting API
Thanks to the script engine in the language of Pawn, integrated in the SA-MP, anyone with some programming skills can develop their own game modes and filterscript. Also at the moment there are so many so-called game modes in the free use, including many major RPG / MMORPG regimes, such as, for example, PEN1: LS, The Godfather, or GTO. PAWN allows anyone to create an entire mission within the game world Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Each game mode or filterscript used by the server as a separate file. At any moment can be started only one game mode and up to 16 filterscript. Mode, usually performs the basic functions of the game, while filterscript responsible for third-party server function, which can be connected / disconnected at any time, without compromising gameplay. However, this division is rather conditional and there is no obstacle to full functionality mode or vice versa, to make it filterscript. Scripting API server contains both the active functions performed at a certain point, and interceptors events performed automatically when certain events, such as connecting the player to the server, start / stop mode, etc. [refine]
A standard set of server includes several simple modes and filterscript demonstrating the application of the basic functions of multiplayer. Many common modes are now in varying degrees of modification of the standard modes.
Script commands on the server mode are given gaming team. They are used to facilitate the game. Teams start with. For example: / kill (suicide), / stats (statistics), / help (assistance). In each mode, their teams, there are commands to teleport, certificates, and other actions (start the race, creating a marker, the team administrator, etc.).


Starting with version 0.2, multiplayer supports the possibility of creating plug-ins that extend the capabilities of the server. The most popular are plug-ins for working with database MySQL, chat rooms IRC-network, send emails using SMTP.

Version History:

Version Date Changes
0.3c December 30, 2010 You can control lights, a motor vehicle, a change of clothes (the mask (in person), mobile phones, sunglasses, hats, watches)
August 21, 2010 in the server browser search function is added the host name for the selected server options form samp: / /, improved synchronization of the players and animations added to the chat log and the timestamps in the messages, settings and screenshots are now saved in a folder GTA San Andreas User Files, removed restrictions on the screen resolution, fixed many bugs, new features for the transport, the ability to "wear" items at the players, HTTP-client for the pawn, the limit of objects is increased to 400, the distance drawing objects can be changed
October 17, 2009 Increased limits the number of players to 500 vehicles to 2000. Players will no longer flies from the transport, and "sticks". Added some functions, such as drunk chamber, a cigar and a bottle of wine in hand, etc., [clarify] There was synchronization of visual damage to vehicle. Added support for NPC, who can perform the previously recorded actions. Now you can create labels in space. To add new functionality to the script (full list). In the client tab «Official» replaced by «Hosted».
(Client only) on Feb. 7, 2009 Supplement to the published version 0.2X, optimized client work with Windows Vista.
November 20, 2008 For security protocol update, therefore the new version is not compatible with old ones. Improved sync, fixed some problems with customer tickets. Added new callback-function OnPlayerUpdate.
0.2.2 R3
(Client only) June 21, 2008 For security reasons, has been completely removed anti-cheat code SAC. Added command '/ fpslimit', which allows to set a limit FPS, and much more.
0.2.2 R2
(Client only) August 30, 2007 in connection with a common client crash during a game for SA-MP version 0.2.2 on the day following release was issued an emergency update client.
0.2.2 August 29, 2007 Significant changes have affected the text input field and the game chat. Was added several new features, such as on / off bonuses for stunts and off the entrances to the interior.
0.2.1 R2
(Host) July 25, 2007 Closed an exploit that allows hacking programs, bots crash the server by using join-flood. Added built-in cheat SAC.
0.2.1 June 24, 2007 was fixed bug with changing weather, as well as several bugs Version 0.2.
0.2 June 20, 2007 Released version 0.2 took more than a year after the previous version. Release held on 5 public beta test, and 3 RC-versions have been fixed almost all bugs of version 0.1 and made a lot of changes. Changed and the compiler PAWN, so almost all the modes and filterscript had to remodel the new version, although problems with the launch modes, compiled by the old compiler was not.
0.1b R2
(Host) February 17, 2007 Fixed several bugs server, added a record IP-addresses of the player at the entrance. Most of the bugs was not changed.
0.1b May 21, 2006 release closed some major bugs of version 0.1, identified in the first few days of the public. Originally scheduled to release and version 0.1c with some new additions, but in October the team announced the upcoming release of version 0.2. Due to the fact that version 0.2 was released only a year later, in the current version was discovered a huge number of bugs and malfunctions. Most of them were closed at 0.2.
0.1 May 10, 2006 First public release of SA-MP. The release contained all the basic features to create game mode. However, the version contained even a lot of bugs that are not identified in the public beta test.


In 2008, the developers of San Andreas Multiplayer released a special version of the multiplayer client, designed for the game with a modification of GTA United, replacing the original map of the state of San Andreas on the city of Liberty City and Vice City. [2] The baseline was the multiplayer version 0.2X. For modification has been allocated a special section of the official forum (now closed, or deleted) as well as site (now also closed).
Since the changes were made only of constructing graphs, and all other features San Andreas Multiplayer remained the same - scripts are written in Pawn. For GTAU-MP were written a few standard game modes, and which come with the server. For example, a large deathmatch-mode, which allows you to freely move around Liberty City and Vice City, fills them with transport and allows you to choose the island to appear.
At the moment the project is not officially supported. After the release in October 2009, SA-MP version 0.3, updating the new version for GTAU was never released. Latest version available, t3, released on July 19, 2009.

Friend's of the clan!

***"TNM"*** - Very Good Friend's !!!

Play For Fun ! And remember ! Follow the "Rule's"

Animation ! :D

« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 16:47:57 pm by Goorman »

[TNM]G r o v e

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Re: ***The Official [DMA] member's list !***
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2011, 18:37:59 pm »
Isn't it a little bit to extreme ?


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Re: ***The Official [DMA] member's list !***
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2011, 10:29:25 am »
DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!! how much did it take u to write that? and agreee with grove its too much..


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Re: ***The Official [DMA] member's list !***
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2011, 10:32:41 am »
DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!! how much did it take u to write that? and agreee with grove its too much..

It's copy past from the gta wiki.


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Re: ***The Official [DMA] member's list !***
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2011, 10:38:14 am »
DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!! how much did it take u to write that? and agreee with grove its too much..

It's copy past from the gta wiki.
lol goorman is a copy cat and btw No cheating? u used to cheat earlier wat abt that? i dont know abt now but earlier u used to.


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Re: ***The Official [DMA] member's list !***
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2011, 16:04:41 pm »
DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!! how much did it take u to write that? and agreee with grove its too much..

It's copy past from the gta wiki.
lol goorman is a copy cat and btw No cheating? u used to cheat earlier wat abt that? i dont know abt now but earlier u used to.

1. I do not use any cheats

2. If you want to talk about cheaters / hackers to create an appropriate theme, no-one should speak about it here.

3. What does it matter what I copy? It is not allowed? I have an opinion about everything


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Re: ***The Official [DMA] member's list !***
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2011, 16:23:08 pm »
DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!! how much did it take u to write that? and agreee with grove its too much..

It's copy past from the gta wiki.
lol goorman is a copy cat and btw No cheating? u used to cheat earlier wat abt that? i dont know abt now but earlier u used to.

1. I do not use any cheats

2. If you want to talk about cheaters / hackers to create an appropriate theme, no-one should speak about it here.

3. What does it matter what I copy? It is not allowed? I have an opinion about everything

I just replied to "DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!! how much did it take u to write that? and agreee with grove its too much.." also really there is something called copyright you know. I doesn't have anything agents it but it's agents the law.


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Re: ***The Official [DMA] member's list !***
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2011, 18:55:53 pm »
i didn't read that and i will never read all of this o.O


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Re: ***The Official [DMA] member's list !***
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2011, 19:09:20 pm »
i didn't read that and i will never read all of this o.O

You kinda should read it because it's one of the best texts written that explains sa-mps history.


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Re: ***The Official [DMA] member's list !***
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2011, 09:13:22 am »
i didn't read that and i will never read all of this o.O
It's your thing to read or not


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Re: ***The Official [DMA] member's list !***
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2011, 16:52:18 pm »
can you plz use small font big font decrease readability.... and +1 roban abt copyrights


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Re: ***The Official [DMA] member's list !***
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2011, 17:55:33 pm »
can you plz use small font big font decrease readability.... and +1 roban abt copyrights

Don't need man really.If be used small font it's be like a bullshit.Try and you will see


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Re: ***The Official [DMA] member's list !***
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2011, 19:13:34 pm »
It's kinda funny, though... Reading about the clan make ur eyes hurt, but ur the only member of the clan.


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Re: ***The Official [DMA] member's list !***
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2011, 18:37:44 pm »
Can i join in you'r clan goor ?


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Re: ***The Official [DMA] member's list !***
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2011, 08:20:50 am »
Can i join in you'r clan goor ?

Sure man ^^