Author Topic: Changelog (Latest server version:  (Read 13991 times)


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  • Me playing sa-mp..
    • The web of carnage
Changelog (Latest server version:
« on: July 06, 2010, 07:58:55 am »

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Ver   Date: 00:09 2013-03-16
1. Made it possible to park more models of cars on the land type parking spots.
2. /vehc will now save the color if you have parked the car.
3. Code improvements should result in lower load.
4. Fixed a bug that made you spawn up in the air sometimes.
5. Fixed some bugs with selling parking spots and some small textdraw bugs.
6. Improved the draw distance of nearly all objects!
7. Changed some things with the tresure spawn script with should allow the tresure to spawn at more locations.

Ver   Date: 23:20 2013-12-07
1. Added a new system to detect lag that should be a lot better then regular /fps! It's called /ups and is based upon how many times a player is updating the server with there position.
2. Houses and business with you cannot buy is no longer shown in the minemap.
3. Removed and imporved some shitty/unnedded code.
4. Attempted to fix the promoted to regular player bug and the spawn in the air bug.
5. Updated the server to sa-mp 0.3x download the new client at

Ver   Date: 18:31 2012-12-07
1. Skins are now saved.
2. Fixed so you will no longer spawn near the stairs at the strip before spawning at the real spawn location.
3. Fixed so you cannot buy parking spots near houses you do not own.

Ver   Date: 12:12 2012-11-30

1. Changed all the textdraws on the server.
2. Improved the vehicle health bar script. It's now fully dynamic,  meaning that it will show the vehicles health extremely precise.
3. Changed the hash algorithm to whirlpool, this has been changed to improve the safety of your passwords.

New Command(s):
1. Added /changepassword for regular players, allowing players to set their own password.

1. Fixed a bug in the anti cheat system which caused many players to be banned without actually cheating (apologizes for the random bans).
2. Fixed a bug with the name of the gang when creating a new gang, when it used to add the new gang name to the old gang name that previously had the same gangid.

Ver   Date: 15:07 2012-09-10

1.  Removed all the the cars on the server and reparked them to improve
2.  Improved the english on the server drastically, recolored almost every text.
3.  Removed the anti c bug freeze.
4.  tweaked some commands: /nrg, /inf, /car they now require level 1338 to be
5.  Admins can no longer use /gethere on players that have the treasure.
6.  Rewrote the gang script! major improvements as gangs now save, they have
     stats and a level system.
7.  Changed all spawn locations for all players that do not spawn in houses.
8.  Improved the anti team killing script in rc, you can no longer take damage from
     team mates which makes it impossible to team kill.

New Commands:
1.  Added command /signature for admins/donators. (USAGE: /signature [Text])
2.  Added command /Vehc for admins/donators (USAGE: /vehc [Color ID] [Color ID]
3.  Added command /gangstats (USAGE: /gangstats [ID]

1.  Fixed the ap bug, when previously sometimes ap it used the fuction for the
     key "Y".
2.  Improved the weapon pickup setting where you needed to hold down a key to
     pickup a weapon by automaticly picking up the weapons you already have for
3.  Fixed that if you have the setting "Use key weapon pickup: on" and you pick
     up weapons that you already have for ammo, it does not change the actual
     weapon that you are holding.
4.  Fixed the color bug wich made you gray and to not spawn correctly and user
     stats would not save.
5.  Improved the speedometer, more accurate and doesn't bug by jumping up
     and down randomly.
6.  bicycles now respawn when supposed to blow up instead of them having
     almost infinite health.
7.  Fixed some problems with the skin class selection menu.

Ver   Date: 00:47 2012-09-08

1. Complete remake of the parking system, no more parkinghous, there are now buyable spots all throughout LV with various types of vehicles to park on them.
    You can own up to 5 different parking spots and for each parking spot you'll have to pay a small fee approximately every 30 minutes.
2. Vehicle health bar tweaked it updates more frequently reducing the previous delay by alot.

Ver   Date: 17:03 2012-05-07

1. Improved the anti driveby script.
2. Fixed some of the many bugs that makes you lose all your weapons.
3. Added rain weather to the server.
4. Lowered the time for anti run in and out of shops from 45 sekounds to 30. It will also say how long time there is left when trying to enter.
5. Fixed some problem with spawning ontop of your house int.
6. Fixed so admin msgs are easier to read.
7. Fixed some problems with the auto ban system with made it to overload the server.
8. Fixed some problems when visiting houses to fast.
9. Updated the server to 0.3e.
10. Changed the /givecash and /givebombs commands only works if the player you are sending the things to is close to you.
11. Fixed so /house works right a way after entering your house.
12. Remade the treasure mission so it's harder and will promote more dming. Also added total treasures taken count in your /stats.
13. Fixed a bug that could couse you to lose all your cash in your pocket.
14. Fixed some problems with some mysql qestions.

Ver   Date: 19:12 2012-05-04

1. Rewrote the whole saveing and loading system. To be faster and a lot better.
2. Removed the chainsaw from all skins.. So no more spawning with chainsaw.
3. Fixed some things with the ban messages.

Ver   Date: ?????

1. Added a lot of anti cheat systems agenst attack type cheats. Like spamming join and leave massages.
2. Added a random weather system. The weather changes every 15min.

Ver   Date: 21:47 2012-01-25
1. Fixed an bug that could get you banned if you jumped inside the balloon.
2. Fixed an big problem with the color system with made newly registred players spawn with no guns and near the stairs.
3. Added an new admin base beside v-rock hotel.
4. Small bug fix to the tele anticheat.
5. Improved the /rules command and added some new rules to the cmd.
6. Added players online to !players in the irc.
7. Changed so no skin does spawn with chainsaw.
8. Replaced the train recording with an faster one.
9. Fixed the bug that made the server forget your spawn in house settings.
10. Fixed an bug with the new admin zone gates.

Ver   Date: 23:05 2011-12-08
1. Improvements and bugfixes to the balloon script. Like changed the max hight to 800gta units and fixed the desync problem. I also fixed the bug that made the balloon to get stuck when getting to the max hight.

Ver   Date: 05:00 2011-12-04
1. Improvements and bugfixes to the balloon script.
2. Fixed some bugs with the anims with diden't like to end.
3. Fixed an big problem with the new dm cage sync with made the syncing work outside the cage in wired ways.

Ver   Date: 01:15 2011-10-13
1. Updated the server to sa-mp 0.3D.
2. Fixed so you can't read the password when you login.
3. Fixed a bug with the anticheat that could possible ban you for speed hack if you where brb on a bike.
4. Removed all "ERROR: You are not high enough level to use this command" texts.
5. Changed my email from to in the server.
6. The map icons will now be loaded faster.
7. Indented the whole script with makes it look a lot better with will allow me to code faster. Also removed some unneeded stuff.
8. Added a xmas tree:p
9. Removed the Random weapon textdraw at the class selection screen.
10. Added and updated some maps on the server. (Added around 170 objects and removed some standard sa objects)
11. Updated the streamer to be able to show more objects then before not it can show up to 500 objects thanks to sa-mp 0.3D.
12. Fixed the bug that made it possible for unregistred players to enter the Regular club this should also fix the following things but I haven't been able to test it out: Unregistred players should no longer be able to enter the Donator club and no longer be able to drive into the admin base.
13. Fixed an bug that made the "You cant plant more bombs!" text to not appear for some players.
14. Fixed more things that could get objects like the "bombs,ramps and block objects at both the admin base and the donator club" to be removed.
15. Updated the last commands to zcmd.
16. Changed so admins can no longer enter the donating player club.
17. Fixed some bugs with the color system like the one that the color diden't save and the one that made it possible to change color with /gangcreate and /gangquit.
18. Added a script to the dm cage that will improve the sync! There are no longer any need to lead aim inside the dm cage(just like in MTA)!
19. Added a hotairballoon script! There are 5 balloons 3 in lv 1 in sf and 1 in ls. You controll the balloon with y and n. Use y to go up and use n to go down.

Ver   Date: 01:15 2011-09-04
1. Fixed many code problems. Hopefully this will solv the crash problems the server have.
2. Fixed some tresure mission problems. I added protection agenst the tresure spawning up in trees I also fixed so it can't spawn in 2 known bug places.
3. Converted all commands to zcmd to improve speed and make it easier to code.
4. Fixed so if you got negative money when you die. You will not get your cash reseted back to 0. This will prevent players from haveing to many houses they can't pay and then just use /kill to get back to 10k in cash.
5. Added load balancing to the loading of parked cars to avoid lag while loadint the cars.
6. Improved the overall speed of the script to lower cpu usage and improve the sync.

Ver   Date: 02:05 2011-08-21
1. Added /hidelagwarning using that command will remove all warning massages from the new anti lag script.
2. Improved the anti lag script and changed some limits. The new limits are   Max: 500ms ping    Max: 20% packetloss    Min:12fps .

Ver   Date: 14:10 2011-08-13
1. Fixed so you can select to spawn with $0.
2. Added a bullet proof object to the jail.
3. Added an anti lag kick script. It will kick players with an avrage ping over 500. It will also kick players with lower then 15 fps in avrage. But thats not all it will also kick players with an avrage packetloss over 1.0 procent.
4. Many admin things.

Ver   Date: 22:11 2011-08-11
1. Added a timelimit to /givecash. Now you can only use givecash one time every min. I also added a max limit on $1000000. This is to make the life better for me if someone finds a new money bug.
2. Rewrote the taxes system for houses. Nearly all house regular costs(taxes) have changed. Some have been higred some have been lowered. Anyway they are *3 becouse you pay taxes 3 times slower seense the last update.
3. Fixed a bug that coused it to stand "have been auto unmuted" even if the muted players wasen't online.
4. Fixed so all taxes can be set to half procentage like 0.5%.
5. Changed so you doesn't get free spawn money when you got money in your bank. So if you got $1 when you spawn after you have died you will not get $10000 in spawn cash. But you can go to the bank and turn on auto withdraw on spawn so you can spawn with any amount that will be taken from your bank account!
6. Fixed so it's possible to read the !players text it doesn't look like crap anymore. I also changed so the massage comes in the main irc channel instead of in a pm like before.

Ver   Date: 13:12 2011-08-10
1. Removed unused old information from mysql: ResetKillRatio.
2. Added a taxes system to fix the problem that the money on the server are totally worhtless. I have added both income tax and wealth tax. You need to pay wealth tax if you got more then 2 millions and income tax is payed when collecting money from business. Wealth tax is payed every 15 mins.
3. Changed so house tax is now payed every 15 mins instead of every 5 mins.
4. Added a max limit on the business storage. Now a business can only store $1000000.
5. Changed both the payout text and the pay for house text.

Ver   Date: 00:42 2011-08-08
1. Changed the donation ad and fixed so it doesn't show as often.
2. Updated the mysql plugin so now the server shoulden't crash every 3 days. Also updated the irc plugin. (Seems like the server still crashes with the new mysql plugin.)
3. Updated the server to 0.3C r5 and updated the scanff plugin.
4. Removed The Swedish Stunters from the server or it's not really removed. Anyway later on I will just add a command to go to it.
5. Starting to test the audio client it's now on all the time.
6. Added a workaround for the problem with spawning with wired looking screen near the stairs.
7. Changed server name/mode name and map name.
8. Created a php script to remove old bans. My life will be a lot better now:p
9. Created a php script to sell unused business and business with a owner that doesn't exist anymore. (Unused = got an owner that haven't been online for over 40 days).

Ver   Date: 13:37 2011-07-05
1. Fixed an bug that made the spawn in house option to not work sometimes.
2. Removed 2 houses that fucked things up.
3. Fixed 2 problems that spammed the kick/ban log if you did cheat with car godmode as an level 5 admin or paused near players.
4. Fixed the color that made you invisibul on the radar.
5. Changed hostname,modename,mapname. To better ones.
6. Fixed some typos.
7. Fixed the problem that you get stuck inside you house sometimes. Note you will get stuck the first time after this update do /sync.
8. Added some irc commands !players to get an list of all players online. !pm [inamename] [msg] to pm players on the server.
9. Added /ircpm [Irc name] [msg] to pm users on the irc server from ingame.
10. Added an command to be able to restart the irc bots when they fucks up.
11. Changed the join massage and started to use color embeding.

Ver   Date: 23:01 2011-06-25

1. Fixed an bug in the mod garage that if you took dark red you got pink.
2. Changed so you will get spree for 3 kills in an row instead of 5.
3. Improved the rank system so if you only kill noobs but have an ratio of like 40 you will still get bad rank.
4. Fixed an bug that if an unrigistred players paused and come back it will still stand "brb for mins" over there head instead of unknown rank.
5. Started an own irc server and moved to it.
6. Added an mysql based rangban script. That will allow us to ban big ip ranges but still allow some users to bypass the ban. aka withlist.

Ver   Date: 11:51 2011-06-20

1. Fixed some problems with the bus and house system that made it possible to abuse to get money.
2. Made the the life better for new players. Remove the need to be regular for turning on saving stats. Fixed so you have saving stats on as defult. Made the skill levels better. Added more ammo to all spawn weapon packs.
3. Fixed so the warning massage: "Due to abuse you can't enter the shop now! You need to wait up to 45 sec..." doesn't appear right after exiting an shop.
4. Added mute time to the mute system so the server auto unmutes after some time.
5. Added an jail system! The jail time is saved if the player leave the server so no way they can evade it!
6. Fixed so the mute time is saved when leaving the server. This will destroy the fun for all players trying to evade mutes with rejoining.
7. Fixed so when you go brb the rank text over you head changes and shows the time you have been brb.
8. Impoved the log system (For the players kick/bans/warns/slaps/reports) it now logs even more stuff and it uses MySQL instead of shitty files.
9. Added an massage that shows for all players online when an player changes name. Like: "Player: Lolson (id:4) is now known as Lölson".
10. Name changes are now logged in the ban/kick log.
11. Changed so you only can own 3 business instead of 5. If you already own 5 you doesn't need to sell any and you will still own 5.

Ver:   Date: 01:47 2011-06-02
1. Fixed the bug that spammed the chat if you tryed to login with the wrong rcon and got auto kicked.
2. Removed 3 objects that was floating in the air..
3. Improved the hit system. Added min hit at $10000 and fixed so you need to place an hit at $10000 over the current hit.
4. Added some debug texts to be able to fix he last known bugs.
5. Trying to fix one of the bugs that makes you spawn at the stairs with only health and no guns.
6. Fixed some bugs in the anti cheat.
7. Many of the things in this update is for admins only and are not shown here.

Ver:   Date: 13:56 2011-05-25
1. Fixed so only donating and level 1338 admins can plant 4 bombs before could also level 5 admins plant 4 bombs.
2. Changed all old website links to
3. Fixed so the ramp should work even with an high ping.

Ver:   Date: 21:34 2011-05-20
1. Added my old custom ranking system. The rank will show above the players head and if you kill players with rank bellow 5 you wont get spree!

Ver:   Date: 23:10 2011-05-01
1. Fixed an better anti refill health/armour script. Only testing atm.
2. Fixed so it now cost to buy from the soda machines. Now it will cost $50.
3. Fixed so the server name will show as The ultimate dm carnage server more often then the swedish stunters.
4. Fixed an critical bug that many dicks abused to get money......
5. Fixed an critical bug that many dicks abused to get bombs......

Ver:   Date: 11:50 2011-04-25
1. Higered the max pickup limit from 500 to 1000. This will fix the bug that made pickups lay all over sanandreas:p
2. Fixed an possible bug that made you got stuck in dialog boxes for ever. It diden't help to die or to /sync or to restart the game..

Ver:   Date: 01:29 2011-04-22
1. Might have fixed the bug that kicked many players for possible car godmode even if they diden't cheat. I think it's still not fixed.
2. Fixed an bug that if an level 5 admin cheated with car godmode the car whould respawn even if level 5 admin shulden't got an anti cheat.
3. Fixed an bug that if an level 5 admin used weapon cheat it whould spam the kick/warn log.
4. Added protection agenst spamming the vehicle damage status. This is an new thing hackers loves to do that will make all players close to the vehicles to lag hard as hell.

Ver:   Date: 12:31 2011-04-21
1. Fixed one typo in /hitlist.
2. Changed the max limit on how many houses/business you can own. the new limits are: Houses:15  Business:5.

Ver:   Date: 14:51 2011-04-18
1. Updated the scanff plugin to fix an big bug that makes it possible for retards to crash the server.
2. Fixed an bug that made it stand "You need to wait before visiting an house again!" for everyone instead of just the player that was trying to visit the house to often.
3. Fixed so you can't plant near houses or business..
4. Fixed an bug that if you sold your house the password diden't reset so the next player that buys that house will get the password of the player that had it before.
5. Added an info text above all business.
6. Added an info text above all houses.
7. Added an limit on how many houses/business you can own at the same time. Now you can only own 20 houses and 10 business.
8. Added map icons for all houses.
9. Added map icons for all business.
10. Added an option on /settings to desible unneeded map icons. (Buyable houses, business and houses you doesn't own and so on.)

Ver:   Date: 01:26 2011-04-17

1. Fixed an problem that the warning massage "You can't visit the same house 2 times in an row!" was sent to everyone on the server.
2. Fixed so admins can change there own name.
3. Fixed so if an admin dies when specing it wont count as an death.. So no more spree ending specs:p
4. Fixed so you need to be both registred and inlogged to use the house/busniess system.

Ver:   Date: 20:06 2011-04-14
1. Added an dynamic house system.
2. Improved the bank icons and the garage pickup to not desepear when taking it.
3. Fixed an problem that when you closed an shop dialog it opened right after forcing you to close it over and over igan.
4. Added an dynamic bussnies system.
5. Improved the anti advertising script so it will now detect if an player types an ip in the middle of an sentense.

Ver:   Date: 19:49 2011-04-11
1. Fixed many bugs and problems with the anti c bug script. It will also detect more types of weapons now.
2. Updated the ip to country database to get less "private ip"..

Ver:   Date: 19:49 2011-04-02

1. Fixed an typo in the weapon shop that one command bomb cost $20000 instead of $10000.
2. Trying to fix the problem that makes you get detected for c bugging when doing extremly fast 2 shoting.

Ver:   Date: 19:49 2011-04-02

1. Changed the kick when you do c bug to freeze the player instead.
2. Improved the anti c bug script to detect more types of c bugging.
3. Fixed so level 5 admins can pm players with nopm activated or with ignore turned on.
4. Fixed an problem with the new weapon shop that if you got an joypad you could still move around.
5. Removed the /buybombs command due to the fact that you can't use the chat in the new ammo shop..
6. Fixed an better dialog for buying bombs.
7. Fixed some small problems with the weapon shop.
8. Fixed some problems with the regular counter so maybe it will be working from now on.

Ver:   Date: 18:44 2011-03-26

1. Fixed an problem that if you died in an menu you got stuck in it.
2. Fixed so if you pause in the dm cage but there is noone there you will not be slapped you will only be kicked out of the cage.
3. Added an /nopm command use this command if you doesn't wont players to be able to pm you. This option is saved untill you do /nopm igan.
4. Fixed some bugs and problems with the pm system.
5. Changed the price on bombs from $2500 to $20000.
6. All guns now have a higer price.
7. Fixed so you can't plant bombs near players that you haven't allowed to avoid suicide bombers.
8. Fixed the old shity bug in /Settings that made the server crash evert 4-5 days.
9. Changed the /settings meny to an dialog box instead.
10. Added an anti c bugging script. So from now on c bugging is NOT allowed.
11. Changed all weapon shops menys to dialog boxes.
12. Fixed a small problem with /r
13. Many other admin things that have been hidden in here.

Ver:   Date: 22:00 2011-03-10

1. Readded the [AoG] protection due to some copy cats..
2. Fixed an critical bug from the last version that made the mysql code to crash the server every 2-4 hours.

Ver:   Date: 16:15 2011-03-03

1. Fixed an bug that made the /plate command to only work for admins.
2. Fixed an bug that made it impossible to pickup the tresure mission pickup..
3. Blocked bomb planting on the boat.
4. Fixed an problem that the skins Johanna and the drug dealer only spawned with 1 in spry can ammo. Now they will spawn with 100.
5. Optimized some of the MySQL code so the MySQL connection won't be so loaded. This also means that I can run my test server with less lag.
6. Updated Badhunters objects to his latest ones.
7. Blocked bombs near the donators base, tain station, near some ammos and near the secret place on the iland.
8. Added one more anti camp script to the train staion.
9. as always many things are hidden in the public changelog. Admins visit the admin changelog instead.

Ver:   Date: 16:15 2011-02-26

1. Trying to fix the last bugs in the /dmcage script. This fix should also fix the bugs at /boaton and /joinrc and on all the tele commands.
2. Fixed the bug that made it possible for 2 players to take the same tresure mission pickup.
3. Added /plate [name] so now you can change your license plate on your parked car.
4. There are many more things that have been added/fixed but it's hidden here. Admins look at the admin changelog.

Ver:   Date: 12:41 2011-02-24

1. Fixed an bug with the new [TSS] clan allow system that made the server to kick me all the time:(
2. Added some ammo to all the weapon packs. (Diden't add more ammo to the donator pack becouse it already have 10 times more ammo then the other ones.)
3. Made the no ramp area smaller.
4. Fixed some bugs in the dm cage script so it should be working now..
5. Added 3 objects to the dm cage.
6. Trying to fix the bug that made The Swedish Stunters objects to show up in the ultimate dm carnage server.

Ver:   Date: 01:40 2011-02-24

1. Added an auto anti pause and an auto anti /q script to the dm cage..
2. Added light to the dm cage so you can see in the dark:p
3. Added a lot of protaction to the dm cage like no ramping, no planting and dealy time to the join and leave commands.
4. Added 2 new gun shops.
5. Added a new sa-mp logo to the admin base.

Ver:   Date: 00:15 2011-02-12

1. Romoved clan protection for AoG and added protection for TSS.
2. Fixed an bug in the last version that the anti plant near the treasure pickup diden't work.
3. Added anti repeat yourself script to the /pm, /w and /me commands to get rid of some spam.
4. Fixed so the train can't be started from the swedish stunters.
5. Fixed so you can't ganginvite someone from the other server.
6. Tryed to fix the player server counter igan.
8. Added back some tele commands from the old The swedish stunters: /gokart /skyroad and /skyroad2.
9. Added an command you can use in the gunshop to buy bombs. /buybombs [amount]
10. Added one more anti camp script.. This time I have desible some guns inside the shops. The guns that I have desible are: Grenade, Fire Extinguisher, Spraycan, Molotov Cocktail and Flamethrower.
11. Added 2 new gun shops:)
12. Added an duel area on lv airport. Also added the commdands /dmcage and /exitcage.

Ver:   Date: 21:43 2011-02-11

1. Fixed so the bots now works.
2. Tryed to fix the player counter that shows wrong player counts on the two servers.
3. Fixed so you can't plant bombs near the treasure mission map or near the treasure mission pickup.
4. Fixed so you shoulden't be able to be wrongfully kicked by anti car lock cheat.
5. Added /ganglist and /gangnembers to /ganghelp.

Ver:   Date: 20:40 2011-02-09

1. Added protection for invalid car components.
2. Fixed so you can't use /sync just after you have died to respawn where you died!
3. Added one more server into the server xD I fixed back my old "The swedish stunters" server:p
4. Players now takes 2x more damage when they are in the admin zone.

Ver:   Date: 13:53 2010-11-14

1. Updated the MySql plugin to r5.
2. Moved the irc channel to an new network.
3. Fixed the problem that all players with id 24 or more got kicked for userstats problems on spawn.
4. Fixed the plant when entering an vehicle problem.

Ver:   Date: 13:53 2010-11-04

1. Added /bombmission and /endbombmission. Also updated the bombmission alot:)
2. Fixed so you won't lose your killing spree in /bombmission.
3. Fixed some problems with /sync.

Ver:   Date: 17:34 2010-11-02

1. Fixed a problem that if you pause on an bomb you are allowed to be on it will explode when your name change to [BRB].
2. Delited some unused scripts like the dini to MySQL user converter.
3. There is many more things fixed/changed in this version as always they are hidden for non admins.

Ver:   Date: 00:08 2010-10-11

1. Fixed so you can't drop Molotov Cocktails anymore..
2. Disible killing spree in the rc battle to avoid abuse.
3. Fixed so you can now have an longer reason on /report.
4. Added countdown sounds to the duel countdown.
5. Added a minefield minimission.
6. Added a bomb detector aka bomb warner!
7. Added /activatebombdetector aka /adetector.
8. Fixed the problem that if someone spammed to fast they got kicked many times for spam instead of one time.
9. Fixed so you can't /q just after you have died to avoid 1 + in deaths.
10. Added a reason massage that shows for all players when someone gets kicked for userstats problems.
11. There is a lot of hidden things in this update.

Ver:   Date: 20:28 2010-09-27

1. Fixed a bug with the color system that made it possible to have the same color as an bot..
2. Fixed a bug with the antitelehack script and it was if you did stand on a car and the driver cheated you got banned for telehacking.
3. Fixed a bug that your car modding whoulden't save if you modded your car before useing /park.

Ver:   Date: 17:40 2010-09-26

1. Delited all vehicles that was made for the old island the same with the pickups. Also added new vehicles and new pickups to the new island.
2. Updated the new island.
3. Added a tresure hunting mini mission:)
4. Added some ints like lv pd and lv city hall.. (There is nothing to do inside this ints at the moment but I have plans for them:)
5. Added a warning when you are trying to add to many players to the /allow list.
6. Added a /allowname command use this to allow whole clans like /allow [TNM] will allow all names starting on [TNM].
7. Improved the /allowlist it will now show players that are allowed but not online:)
8. Improved the allow system in many ways. Also fixed so you can't allow a player/name 2 times or more.
9. Added a /restartirc to be able to reconnect the irc bots.

Ver:   Date: 21:47 2010-09-19

1. Admin only things!

Ver:   Date: 22:08 2010-08-28

1. A little higer wait time when going out of a shop to prevent getting stuck inside the door.
2. Fixed a bug with the car saving script that the car got delited after death.
3. Updated the fps counter. It now works when you stand still and it also work when you are drunk! It should also be a little more exact but it will still not work on players with high ping. Bellow 150 is fine.
4. Fixed so it should be harder to be bug kicked/banned for tele/speed hack.. Also added a warning system that will warn admins when the server spots possible speed/tele hackers.. Also made so it's instant ban on tele/kick hacking.
5. Added a new warning for admins when someone is possible flying with a car.
6. Fixed so it should be impossible to get bug kicked for anti car lock cheat!
7. Fixed the bug that if you fell of a locked bike it will be locked forever. Also fixed so if you die/or leave the server in a locked car it will be unlocked.
8. Fixed a bug that made /unlock to not work at all.

Ver:   Date: 21:38 2010-08-24

1. Added a admin irc channel..
2. In the sa-mp 0.3b there is a new bug with Getplayerweapondata that made my anticheatweapon script to go nuts..
3. Replaced the old island with an new one^^

Ver:   Date: 10:55 2010-08-23

1. Fixed so bad skilllevels is like 5 times better.. Also did so you get skilllevel faster when killing players.. This to get more players..
2. Updated the server to sa-mp 0.3b r2...
3. Added a fps meter! Your fpscount will now stand in the top black bar near the ping counter..  A downside of the fpscounter is that drinking will get the fpscounter to not work untill you are no longer drunk.. The counter also doesn't work if you stand still..

Ver:   Date: 13:31 2010-08-12

1. Fixed a small bug with the new level blocking thing in the parking house..
2. Trying to fix so we wont get stuck in costum objects igan...
3. Added a irc channel that also works ingame!
4. Renamed AoR's Headquarters to TNM's Headquarters.

Ver:   Date: 16:29 2010-08-11

1. Fixed so you can't /q to keep your weaps after death..
2. Fixed so we doesn't get stuck in costom object when teleporting...
3. Added a custom made ban script to make it way easyer to handle bans.
4. Fixed a sa-mp bug that did so you diden't see the ban reason when you got banned.
5. Fixed so banned players gets there ban reason every time they try to join.
6. Added a thing so we can block parking on some levels so frim now on we can stop players from parking on the lowest levels of the parking house!
7. Non admins will now die faster near the admin zone!
8. Fixed one of the last bugs that can lead to stats lose..
9. Updated the new island..
10. Fixed so when you /q inside a building you wont start ontop of it!!!!!! The same with /specoff and /endrc..

Ver:   Date: 22:56 2010-08-05

1. Fixed a problem with the object streamer..
2. Added a new rangeban system..

Ver:   Date: 21:24:01 2010-07-20

1. Fixed some typos.
2. Fixed so you CAN'T jump off the boat at all so cry fucking nubs yes cry idiots..
3. Fixed so there is even less risk of losing stats.
4. Added some more places on the boat there you can't plant bombs..

Ver:   Date: 02:01 2010-07-18

1. Tryed to fix the stats lose problem igan hope this will help this time..
2. Added a dubug text so I will be able to find a problem that does so the money and ammo doesn't save as it should..

Ver:   Date: 21:04 2010-07-14

1. Changed skin on Grove guy...
2. Fixed a bug that deleted players from the /allowlist!
3. Added alot of new script to protect players from stats being lost!

Ver:   Date: 22:40 2010-07-12

1. Fixed some secrets..

Ver:   Date: 22:40 2010-07-12

1. Changed all urls to my old website to the new one on the server.
2. Fixed so it's possible to use rc vehicles and trams!
3. Added a warning text to online admins when a player jumps off the boat.. Also added a warning for the player doing it...
4. Fixed a bug that it did come an ann massage if someone used /sync when there was an admin online.. Admins could not see this so I found this bug by misstake^^
5. Mnay secret things have been added to^^

New server ip:

Ver:   Date: 22:40 2010-05-29

1. Fixed many typos tanks to [TNM]DeeJay.
2. Changed max parked cars from 100 to 200..
3. Fixed a bug that made one of the stairs to not work in sf airport...
4. Fixed a bug that did so /slap banned on 11 of 10 instead of 10 of 10 slaps..
5. Added a 10 sek delay on /joinrc to avoid abuse...
6. Added a anti ramp car script.
7. Added some skins 1. Aztecas Guy 2. Ballas Guy 3. Clown Guy 4. Security Guy 5. Swat Police 6. Police Whore 7. Worker 8. Da Nang Boy 9. Elvis Presley 10. Grove Guy 11. Mafia Guy 12. Drug Dealer 13. Johanna
8. Delited the script that made it possible to find ammo in the car...
9. Remade some password handling parts so from now on passwords is NOT logged or desplayed to any admin!

Ver:   Date: 15:11 2010-05-21

1. Fixed a problem with bombs that some players did have so fun with-_-
2. Fixed a big that when someone got kicked from the rc battle for pausing it stand in the chat for evryone like: "You are not allowed to be at the rc battlefield when you are brb!"...

Ver:   Date: 23:52 2010-05-20

1. Fixed some things on total online time..
2. Fixed a bug that reseted the score, kills and death when using a  2 dr name that I have given them. (Only ImpX have it like that at this time. So he was the only one affected by this bug.)

Ver:   Date: 20:24 2010-05-18

1. Trying to fix a bug that delites players stats in some cases...
2. Fixed a problem with the bot system..

Ver:   Date: 10:49 2010-05-17

1. Fixed so non amins lose health near the admin zone also fixed so the warnings comes faster...
2. Found and fixed a bug that non registred players did get restored by the last visit sometimes o.0
3. Fixed a anti run and out script for all the shops.. Now you need to wait less time to get out 3 sec instead of 5 BUT now you need to wait 45sec to get back in igan..
4. Fixed longer wait time for buying armour..
5. Fixed so the donation text doesn't come so often..
6. Changed the /rules igan..

Ver:   Date: 23:40 2010-05-16

1. Added some admin things...

Ver:   Date: 00:22 2010-05-16

1. Rewrite the clan allow system and also added clan protection for AoG!
2. Clan allows is now done in MySQL and not in the old file..
3. Fixed some bugs with the total time online counter it diden't count when you was brb sometimes..
4. Added 5 more secounds in /sync delay to stop abuse also added MANY warnings text for admins when someone is using /sync.. Did also add warnings for the user of /sync!
5. Added /sync abuse to the /rules...
6. Fixed one bug with the txt file to MySQL converter..

Ver:   Date: 16:36 2010-05-14

1. Better anti cheat igan:p
2. Fixed some small bugs with the new MySQL system..
3. Optimized the MySQL system..
4. Fixed an bug with invalid car godmode kicks..
5. Added many logs... So I will be able to find the information I need faster:p

Ver:   Date: 22:00 2010-05-13

1. Added 2 more tables to the MySQL table to get it faster and nicer to look at..

Ver:   Date: 15:47 2010-05-09

1. Added total online time to /stats and /getstats it will start from 00:00:00..
2. Part of name after commands are no longer case sensetive!
3. Small changes on /rules.

Ver:   Date: 15:20 2010-05-08

1. Fixed a bug that non registred users did have max skilllevel.
2. Updated the parking house system from text based to MySQL!
3. Found a bug that made the cars not spawn there you saved them.. (It was close to where you saved the car but not perfect..)
4. Found some bugs in the new MySQL script that have been fixed..

Ver:   Date: 20:19 2010-05-07

1. Updated the user database from text files to a MySQL database! This my be verry buggy in the start and I may need to restore a backup with users so you may lose 1 day of stats..

Ver:   Date: 14:12 2010-04-20

1. Fixed a bug that made it imposible to plant bombs at boaton..
2. Fixed a bug that you spawned at the wrong place when you died on the rc battle..
3. Fixed so your parked car relly shuld respawn when you respawn..
4. Added some new rules to /rules!
5. Added a auto system to change name on all AoR nembers..
6. Fixed some things with the object streamer so it shuld take less cpu/ram and this may fix the ramp problems..
7. Fixed one of the many car lock bugs this time your parked car that you own will never igan respawn locked..
8. Fixed a bug that you need 1 more $ for buying skilllevel so if you whuld buy 2 levels you need to have 20001$ but it just cost 20000..

Ver:   Date: 23:48 2010-04-19

1. Only admin updates that have been taken away from this changelog..

Ver:   Date: 18:24 2010-04-19

1. Fixed a bug that made it stand "ERROR: You cannot save this vehicle!" when it relly was no problem to save it.
2. Fixed the ptoblem with pause kick for timeouts and packet lose...
3. Fixed a bug that if you had bad luck the skillevel diden't work...
4. Improved the tele hack system it will now detect much faster...

Ver:   Date: 12:25 2010-04-18

1. Fixed so your car now respawns when you spawn..
2. Fixed a bug with /replacepark if you used it on your own already parked car you got this massage "ERROR: This vehicle does already have a owner!"
3. Found and fixed a BIG bug! The bankbalance was not reseted when you left or when someone joined the server.. This means that if you joined with a unrigistred acc you got the bankbalance of the player that had your id before! This have been abused alot.. Many pros.. I have reseted the cash for many players.. bankbalance was not reseted when you left or when someone joined the server.. This means that if you joined with a unrigistred acc you got the bankbalance of the player that had your id before! This have been abused alot.. Many pros.. I have reseted the cash for many players..
4. Fixed longer "frozen" time to when you gets restored after the last visit..
5. Fixed so you can't use ramps near the admin zone!

Ver:   Date: 18:15 2010-04-167

1. Trying to fix the train igan-_- This time I made so the train bot is joning when he is needed..
2. Fixed a bug with regular pickups. They just destroys if you did have action kye pickups..(Only if you diden't press action kye).
3. Delited the action kye funktion on regular pickups..
4. Fixed so you wont fell bellow the ground when you get restored from the last visit..
5. Fixed a bug like the one on the regular weapons #2..
6. Fixed some small things that may fix the minigun problem..
7. I think the anti pause script haven't worked in the latest updates. (I found a bug and it's fixed..)
8. Fixed some small things..

Ver:   Date: 17:31 2010-04-16

1. Fixed a bug with the pickups.
2. Added a big admin place. And btw keep out from it... (it is not done)
3. Fixed some typos.
4. Made a thing that may fix the damn train...

Ver:   Date: 16:34 2010-04-14

1. Lowered Stream rate, On foot rate, In car rate and Stream distance this shuld fix better sync but it will higer the cpu usage...
2. Fixed so you can't take up a Armour or health pickup if you already have full health/Armour!
3. If you have turned on that you need to use the "action" kye to pickup normal pickups to...

Ver:   Date: 15:43 2010-04-13

1. Fixed a bug with the new anti weapon cheat...

Ver:   Date: 20:38 2010-04-12

1. Spent 2 hours and fixing the whole scipt I started from line 1 and ended on line 23960... (This means the server will take less ram and cpu..)
2. Reseted all aka names...
3. Turned off lanemode..
4. Delited ALL parked cars!
5. Optimized the parked cars id handeling system...
6. Updated country data base...
7. Fixed a problem with wrong pickup type...

Ver:   Date: 21:33 2010-04-11

1. Fixed a bug that after you die on /boaton you get back to the real word.
2. All pickups after you die will now only be in your virtual word.
3. Fixed a bug that the doors was not working on the boat.
4. Fixed a bug with the new weapon anti cheat..

Ver:   Date: 10:19 2010-04-10

1. Optimized the /gangcreate command this also make so the gang ids goes like: 0,1,2,3,4 insted of 34,33,32,31...
2. You most now login to use /boaton, /sync and /garage.
3. Now boaton is in a own virtual word..
4. Fixed the no reload bug in ammo menu..
5. Fixed better anti cheat! So cheaters stay out!
6. New pickup system just like the store system! This means we can add pickups easy:p
7. Added some new pickups and delited ALL old...
8. Bank menu auto show!
9. Better cpu performance due to changes in anti cheat!
10. Fixed a bug that spammed the log when someone got banned (This also reduse cpu power!)..
11. Optimized the speedo so it will take alot less cpu...
12. Added more places there you can't plant bombs! List of places: Spawn locations, AoR base and the mod garage!
13. Delited many unused things. (Will improve cpu performance)
14. Fixed many small things to get better cpu performance.

Ver:   Date: 00:00 2010-04-08

1. public OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate(vehicleid, playerid) the code in it wasn't doing more then taking cpu:p
2. Added /eject [id].
3. Added texts and in car check to /ejm.

Ver:   Date: 23:29 2010-04-07

1. Fixed 1 typo and 1 bug with the new duel script...
2. Added /duelinvite /duelaccept /duelstart and /duelquit to /gcmds.

Ver:   Date: 22:30 2010-04-07

1. Fixed many bugs in the new duel system so it shuld work better now:p

Ver:   Date: 15:52 2010-04-06

1. Added more ammo to the donating players weaponpack!
2. Trying to fix a bug with 2 kick massages at the same time.
3. Added a countdown system like a duel system.. New commands are /duelinvite /duelaccept /duelstart and /duelquit this is only a beta test so it may not work at all..

Ver:   Date: 23:16 2010-04-06

1. Added gang leader to /ganglist.
2. Added a /ver command.
3. Fixed bug that it was possible to /r offline ids.

Ver:   Date: 22:50 2010-04-05

1. Fixed a bug with the donation massage just worked for id 0.
2. Updated the gang system now it wont stop working after using /gangcreate 128 times o.0 This will also take less ram and cpu:p
3. New kick reasons the new reasons doesn't tell what cheats they use.
4. Added a new spawn weapon pack for donating players only!
« Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 00:53:11 am by [TNM]Roban »


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Re: Changelog
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2010, 08:19:03 am »
I only wont to say that this is an public changelog so there is al lot more things being changed that is not listed on here.


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Re: Changelog
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2010, 11:22:52 am »
Ooooo!! What are the secrets? XD PM me them ;P

(I hope not the "secret" only lol it don't work for me)
« Last Edit: July 14, 2010, 12:04:39 pm by [TNM]Roban »


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Re: Changelog
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2010, 12:05:20 pm »
Eden this is the public changelog go to the admin changelog-_-


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Re: Changelog (Latest server version:
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2011, 09:06:36 am »


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Re: Changelog (Latest server version:
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2011, 12:43:17 pm »
I like The new Updates, Because Being Kicked For C-bugging Is boring, Now the player will be stopped without being kicked, and i like The fact The Update Can detect More types of C-Bug, And also Disabling /buybombs Is much better, Because You Know that the bombs become expensive :p


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Re: Changelog (Latest server version:
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2011, 13:11:16 pm »
I like The new Updates, Because Being Kicked For C-bugging Is boring, Now the player will be stopped without being kicked, and i like The fact The Update Can detect More types of C-Bug, And also Disabling /buybombs Is much better, Because You Know that the bombs become expensive :p

/buybombs is kinda just replaced by an updated dialog in the weapon shop. Also why was it an problem for you to be kicked for c bugging? It's not allowed so you shouldn't be doing it anyway. Also you can take damage when you are frozen and you are frozen for 10 sek.


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Re: Changelog (Latest server version:
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2011, 13:40:09 pm »
/buybombs is kinda just replaced by an updated dialog in the weapon shop. Also why was it an problem for you to be kicked for c bugging? It's not allowed so you shouldn't be doing it anyway. Also you can take damage when you are frozen and you are frozen for 10 sek.

I wasn't Talking About Me, i was Talking about the other Players That join The server for The first Time After the update, And they use it so they be kicked, and it's Boring to join over and over again, So being frozen is Much educative to the players, Being frozen will make you stop Using the C-Bug without being out of the server to know that The it Isn't allowed.

And about The /buybombs I was talking about The price, so Using the Dialog Is The most Frequent Use for Buying Them, Because i guess that no one will Have More than 100.000$ ( All go to the bank and deposit )
because you know that the new Price is 20.000, so the command won't be used with the same frequence as Before.

And i hope that the new update reduce The time of being frozen when you Try to join The RC area or The boat, because waiting 10 sek is boring too, But you are The Owner, and You know What you should do to your server.


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Re: Changelog (Latest server version:
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2011, 13:44:00 pm »
/buybombs is kinda just replaced by an updated dialog in the weapon shop. Also why was it an problem for you to be kicked for c bugging? It's not allowed so you shouldn't be doing it anyway. Also you can take damage when you are frozen and you are frozen for 10 sek.

I wasn't Talking About Me, i was Talking about the other Players That join The server for The first Time After the update, And they use it so they be kicked, and it's Boring to join over and over again, So being frozen is Much educative to the players, Being frozen will make you stop Using the C-Bug without being out of the server to know that The it Isn't allowed.

And about The /buybombs I was talking about The price, so Using the Dialog Is The most Frequent Use for Buying Them, Because i guess that no one will Have More than 100.000$ ( All go to the bank and deposit )
because you know that the new Price is 20.000, so the command won't be used with the same frequence as Before.

And i hope that the new update reduce The time of being frozen when you Try to join The RC area or The boat, because waiting 10 sek is boring too, But you are The Owner, and You know What you should do to your server.
When I didn't have an delay on joining the boat and so on many players abused it and used /boaton /boatoff all the time to evade death.


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Re: Changelog (Latest server version:
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2011, 13:58:37 pm »
You convinced Me, Your Right ;)


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Re: Changelog (Latest server version:
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2011, 17:31:19 pm »
Now i have A remark on the new Update, I just had a little problem and i'm sure that the most Users of 2 shots had fallen in it too, witch is The problem of being frozen for The reason of C-buging!

Well we know that C-bug isn't allowed, and the player who Do it should freeze, But the problem here : sometimes i was frozen for C-bugging without even doing it !!

Maybe the problem Is being so fast in 2 shots makes the server thinks That you are C-bugging!

I hope you fix this problem becasue it really makes us an easy target For some nubs  :'(


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Re: Changelog (Latest server version:
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2011, 17:36:54 pm »
Now i have A remark on the new Update, I just had a little problem and i'm sure that the most Users of 2 shots had fallen in it too, witch is The problem of being frozen for The reason of C-buging!

Well we know that C-bug isn't allowed, and the player who Do it should freeze, But the problem here : sometimes i was frozen for C-bugging without even doing it !!

Maybe the problem Is being so fast in 2 shots makes the server thinks That you are C-bugging!

I hope you fix this problem becasue it really makes us an easy target For some nubs  :'(
This got detected when I tested the script but I did think I had fixed it.. Just do your 2 sot a bit slower and it wont happen.


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Re: Changelog (Latest server version:
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2012, 15:57:49 pm »
Niceee  8)


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Re: Changelog (Latest server version:
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2012, 02:23:25 am »
It can.. But I'm talking to the owner atm and it seems to solve itself kinda good. But the server will change ip so an good idea is to remove my server from the favorite list and add instead because that host name will update the ip when it changes.


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