Author Topic: Laggers.... What can we do about them?  (Read 12026 times)


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Re: Laggers.... What can we do about them?
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2010, 21:26:08 pm »
Welcome to sa-mp.


Well I'm glad that DeeJay supports me, would be even better if we had more people.......
Oh and Roban, just for you to know, playing time isn't equal to your skill in-game....... Because anyone could just think that you played 8500 hours of RolePlaying and I don't think that RP and DM are the same things.... =.=

Hahahahahahahaha then should we do a faq about sa-mp and see who wins?
Also do you guys even know what ping is? It doesn't seem like that..
The ping is the time for the data to travel from the game to the server. So if a player have 150ms in ping and you have 70 it will take 220ms to make a update of the game so thats means about 4 updates every sec... Even if someone have 10000ms  in ping it will still be FAIR because you need to wait the same fucking time for the game to update your and his position on the game! Only bad losers complains about ping lag. Also note you can't just shot at him when there is a delay you need to shot in front of him!

About kicking players with high ping.. Thats fucking BULLSHIT have you ever seen a server with more then 30 players that got a ping kicker? If so then that server hoster have some problems.. Also there is more then 1 type of lag there is also fps lag made by a slow computer = the game itself lags and makes the harder for the player with a bad comp to aim properly. This doesn't give advantage ether... (Look at Eden he lags but still has the best ping on the server.. Thats fps lag.)

I forgot to say there are some race servers with 30+ players that have ping kickers (Ping over 500 or 1000 not 120 like you nubs are telling me) but there is it needed.. Else the cars runs into etch other..

Also I'm kinda pissed of you post... Who has spent 7 full online time weeks on the sa-mp forum reading and getting information? Who has a server that have got uncountable hours of work in it? The script is on 25000 lines... Also I have played a lot on dm server and CnR is kinda DM to... Also do you know the full history of sa-mp? Do you even know who have started this mod and have done mostly of the work? Do you even know anything about MTA and why it's sux? I can keep going making idiotic post like you will get me angry.

A tip to all nubs that can't handle lag: When a player like teles all the time it's not delay lag it's for sure fps lag then don't shot at him there he stands after he have got teled back and you will hit.

Also one more stupid comment and I lock this tropic and btw there is a pm system maybe you should use that.

If you can't handle lag then you should change game sa-mp is built without scoure code of Sanandreas or Rockstarts help so it will NEVER be possible to get sync (over the internet) like gta IV or BF2.. This mod is made by a  small group of gaming nerds that really wonted to play a game like Sanandreas online if you can't handle the lag in a free modification then just leave we don't need you and we wont miss you.

Uh,........ Raging? Flaming?
Ok then I guess I can't do anything about it........

Go ahead and lock it.....

And btw I don't know why you even mentioned MTA (even IF it doesn't have the sync problem) nor SA-MP's history, I could've looked for that on my own if you don't mind, when this subject was about purposeful player lags and I already knew of the FPS side lag (not sure if you noticed but I use framlimiter to lock my FPS at a stable value) Also this isn't about players with high pings (that was Angelina's request, not mine's) nor about players that sort of teleport themselves because of their "more natural" lag, I was talking about players who don't even look like they lag but when you fight against them you notice that finding their hitbox is harder than normal players (even if they have "natural" lag and a rather normal ping : 40ms - 150ms).

In other words I'm suspecting a program (call it a hack if you want) that makes the player have all the benefits from lags while not having the disadvantages (or something near that).

P.S The point of this topic wasn't to make you angry. It was to (or at least try to) solve a problem....


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Re: Laggers.... What can we do about them?
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2010, 22:01:34 pm »
"P.S The point of this topic wasn't to make you angry. It was to (or at least try to) solve a problem...."
It's impossible to solve a problem that can't be solved.. Also "faking" lag will cause the same hit problems for them as for you so it's kinda wasted..


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Re: Laggers.... What can we do about them?
« Reply #17 on: July 31, 2010, 11:55:52 am »
Well ok then.....


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Re: Laggers.... What can we do about them?
« Reply #18 on: July 31, 2010, 11:57:45 am »
there's no fuckin really good solution for that problem .
I'm to stupid to be here so bye..


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Re: Laggers.... What can we do about them?
« Reply #19 on: July 31, 2010, 12:15:42 pm »
I guess so....

BTW can you fix my Karma???? I'm at -3 LOL


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Re: Laggers.... What can we do about them?
« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2010, 16:59:26 pm »
I guess so....

BTW can you fix my Karma???? I'm at -3 LOL

The karma is made by other members..


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Re: Laggers.... What can we do about them?
« Reply #21 on: July 31, 2010, 17:49:56 pm »
I guess so....

BTW can you fix my Karma???? I'm at -3 LOL

The karma is made by other members..

Yes, I know...... But now that I explained to you that my posts wasn't questioning your ever so wide wisdom of SA-MP I'd just like to be sure my Karma isn't suffering from the misunderstood issue. >.>